Vexen Crabtree

2 new Vexen photos, the first new ones for over a year
Dream: Vexen dream he had a Delusional Fear of Zombies
New website: United Kingdom: Successes and Failures including pages:
Ontological Argument (Descartes & Anselm) is Flawed, by Vexen
Criticism of Buddhism by Vexen
"Evil is the absence of good" does not explain why God created evil
Religion and Morals
Religion and Charity
Vexen reminds people that a God wouldn't need prayer, prophets, souls, evangelists or religious buildings
Souls do not exist, by Vexen
Anti-Semitism was created by Christianity and Pages on Judaism
Historical Satanism and The Knights Templar. Deleted the Ambient Halls site
The Untermensch
Marriage and Engagement. Deleted some older pages and both games
Special religious rights should be abolished, says Vexen
Vexen on the New Age and Satanism
List of Vexen's Pages on Universalism
View an archive of Vexen's Online Diary LiveJournal posts made in 2004