
Human Rights and Freedom in Taiwan

A new page! "Human Rights and Freedom in Taiwan". Taiwan performs very well in ensuring human rights and freedom compared to most other countries. It does the best in the world at supporting freethought and better than average on supporting personal, civil & economic freedoms, supporting press freedom (one of the best in Asia) and in LGBT equality. In 2019, Taiwan became the first Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage.

Statistics covered:



Added to Section #6 tables on India's education statistics compared to the rest of the world: The BJP, a conservative Hindu-first party made popular by its campaigns of hate against minorities, have pursued a policy of establishing astrological departments at universities, despite academia's longstanding aversion due to the overwhelming evidence that astrology is not founded on any kind of reality. In an unequal nation of 1.4 billion people, the funding could have provided for a large number of teachers, covering sorely-needed topics of maths, the sciences and engineering. http://www.humantruth.info/india.html: 6. India's Modernity and Learning. #india #BJPGovernment #BJP