I've added text to
"Alien Life and Planet Earth" by Vexen Crabtree (1999). Contents:
- The Chances of Life in the Universe
- UFOs Are Probably Not Aliens
- Is There Intelligent Life on Earth?
- The UFO Craze Was Created by Sensationalist Media and Hoaxes
- What We Learn From Skyhook Balloons
- Communication with Aliens
- A Very Slow Affair
- Our Transmissions into Space Already Span 100 Light Years
- The Impact on Religion
- Can Species-Specific Religions Claim to Embody Ultimate Truth?
- Saviour Religions Will be Challenged
- Universalist Religions
And the added text centers around a quote from Paul Davies:
“The existence of extra-terrestrial intelligence would have a profound impact on religion, shattering completely the traditional perspective of God's special relationship with man. The difficulties are particularly acute for Christianity, which postulates that Jesus Christ was God incarnate whose mission was to provide salvation for man on Earth. The prospect of a host of 'alien Christs' systematically visiting every inhabited planet in the physical form of the local creatures has a rather absurd aspect. Yet how otherwise are the aliens to be saved?” -- "God And The New Physics" by Paul Davies (1984)
Did the God of the universe, who authored however-many intelligent species on however-many planets,
really have a special covenant with a tribe of Humans? Will
Heaven - the
Heaven of all creatures from all planets - really descend upon Jerusalem on Earth? And do aliens who live billions of light years away, really need to have known
Jesus, to have accepted
Christian religion, to be saved? These questions have few answers that
Christians can accept.
Brilliant web site, I had not noticed vexen.blogspot.com previously during my searches!
Continue the superb work!
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