
The Loss of Religious Freedom and Diversity in Egypt

Egypt has a long, fascinating and rich religious history, influencing Europe and Asia. Sumerians and Persians both used Egyptian gods , symbols and clothing styles as military adornments and cultural lore.

In the early 20th century there was a reasonable amount of religious tolerance and freedom. Public squares, coffee shops & al-'Azhar University hosted debates between secularists, Muslims and Coptic Christians. They united when faced with challenges - in particular against the British; even Muslim women would deliver speeches at meetings. But that time in history has ended, and Egypt's strict and intolerant forms of Islam became dominant, organized and powerful.

Sociologists Grim & Finke place Egypt into the worst category of religious persecution, along with just 13 other countries.

https://www.humantruth.info/egypt.html section 11: Statistics on Religion and Beliefs in Egypt.


The Epistle of St Paul to the Galatians

The Epistle of Galatians is one of the genuine letters of St Paul in the Christian Bible, written within Paul's lifetime. It describes his conversion to Christianity (via a vision), and how he didn't actually go meet the disciples in Jerusalem for 3 years after. It's main message is that you don't have to be a Jew to convert to Christianity. Here's a summary and complete text:
  1. An Introduction to St Paul's Letters
  2. Contradictions Between Acts and Galatians
    1. Who Did Paul Talk To After His Conversion?
    2. Further Issues
  3. The 6 chapters of Galatians (149 verses)
    1. Galatians 1 (24 verses) - Paul greets churches in Galatia; there is only one gospel; gospel is from God, not humans; Paul's early life & testimony
    2. Galatians 2 (21 verses)
    3. Galatians 3 (29 verses)
    4. Galatians 4 (31 verses)
    5. Galatians 5 (26 verses)
    6. Galatians 6 (18 verses)